A community education and outreach program on sustainable consumption, toxics, composting and recycling
Do you want to learn how to reduce your waste, conserve natural resources, motivate others to change their habits, and make a difference in your community? If so, you should join the Master Recycler’s!
Learn from state and local experts, take field trips and bridge the gap between awareness and action. Master Recyclers are waste prevention ambassadors who work within their communities to cultivate public awareness by supporting a wide variety of projects and programs across Josephine Counties. They share their knowledge and motivate others to make resource conservation a way of life.
Retirees, folks new to the community, teachers, green job seekers, parents and their middle school or high school age children, college students studying sustainability and business owners and employees tasked with reducing solid waste in the workplace all find common purpose in the Master Recycler community.
For more information check out our Facebook page
“As I enter my 7th year in the Master Recycler program, I cannot help but reflect … We do more than talk about the 3 R’s [reduce, reuse, recycle], helping communities connect to each other, inspiring true conservation and new ways of thinking.” – Rob